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AC Installation and Replacement

Invest in reliability and efficiency with a new AC unit!

Berks County’s Trusted Air Conditioning Installations

Longacre Cares About Your Home’s Cooling

Replacing a major component of your home can be intimidating. When considering something as extensive as an air conditioning unit replacement, you want there to be zero doubts about the abilities of the team that you trust.

When choosing a company to provide your air conditioning installation, there’s only one with a successful track record of providing home services that span over a century’s worth of time. That’s Longacre Company.

A close-up of a residential central air conditioning unit outside a home. The focus on the fan grid and the unit's casing highlights the importance of this equipment in home climate control

Potential Signs You Need To Replace Your AC Unit

Navigating the intricacies of HVAC systems — which are inherently complex — can be challenging for homeowners.

In an industry where trust is paramount, it’s important to make informed decisions about system replacements.

Even minor issues may raise concerns. Seeking professional advice to assess whether a complete replacement is necessary or if a simpler solution — like an AC compressor replacement — can address the issue, ensures a reliable and cost-effective approach to maintaining your HVAC system.

We’ve been in business for over 100 years, and we can confidently say that we wouldn’t have lasted that long if we didn’t put the needs and priorities of our customers above all else.

To give our customers some confidence about whether they require an AC replacement, here are some of the common conditions that might indicate that it’s time for you to start shopping for a new unit.


Even the most well-maintained HVAC systems will eventually need to be replaced due to age. On average, you can expect 10-15 years out of your AC system when properly maintained under decent conditions.

Frequent Repairs

Whether it’s due to faulty components, age or any other reason, a problematic HVAC system can seem like it’s broken more often than it’s working properly.

Once a threshold is reached, it will end up making far more sense to replace your system rather than continuing to repair one that refuses to keep running.

Decreased Efficiency

Similarly to dealing with frequent repairs, an aging system is never going to function as well as a new one.

As the years go by and the unit’s overall efficiency declines, the amount you’ll save in utility bills will quickly offset the cost of replacement.

Uneven Cooling

A properly installed and well-maintained HVAC system should be capable of providing even cooling throughout your home consistently.

Do you notice certain areas of your home getting significantly colder than others? It might be an indication of a failing system that can no longer adequately cool the space it was intended for.

Strange Noises Or Odors

Your HVAC system should only really affect how comfortable you feel, temperature-wise. If you notice weird sounds or strange smells coming from it, don’t brush them off. These could be signs of bigger problems that need attention.

Inadequate Cooling Capacity

Maybe you’ve always felt unsatisfied with the cooling capabilities of the HVAC system currently installed in your home.

When an HVAC company doesn’t install the right-sized system in a home, the cooling capabilities may fall short of what the homeowner needs.

Health Concerns

Your HVAC system not only influences the temperature but also plays a crucial role in maintaining indoor air quality.

If the system is not well-maintained, it can lead to various issues, making it challenging to achieve ideal indoor air quality.

Installations Done Right The First Time

If you’re looking for a team of AC installers whose qualifications exceed what’s necessary to get the job done, then you won’t be sorry to call the team at Longacre Company.